Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Existential Vacuums: Anita Brookner, Falling Slowly

Aphorism 127: “Regulate your disappointments!” Chapter Nine

Full Quote: “What was much worse was that Beatrice, whom she loved, was beginning to resemble their mother, not only physically, in certain gestures, but in her refusal to regulate her own disappointments.”

Aphorism 126: “Neglect is not easily forgiven!” Chapter Eight

Aphorism 125: “Be certain that there are no witnesses to bad thinking!” Chapter Seven

Full Quote: “Briefly she was glad that there were no witnesses to the evidence of bad thinking.”

Aphorism 124: “Emancipation and freedom often brings with them unsleeping anxiety!” Chapter Six

Full Quote: “That freedom had, she now saw, proved illusory. Emancipation, flight, had brought with them an unsleeping anxiety.”

Aphorism 123: “Survive your history!” Chapter one

Full Quote: “They had survived their history, and besides, they had no other choices.”

Aphorism 122: “A library allows communion with true achievement!” Chapter one

Full Quote: “She could not now decide whether a library, any library, was a way out or a way in, a way out of daily life which contained too much confusion and wariness, or a way in to silent communion with true achievement..”

Friday, August 14, 2009

Aphorisms of Espionage by John LeCarré

Aphorism 121: “It is such a mistake to put one’s trust in technique!” The Looking Glass War, Chapter 5

Full Quote: “It’s such a mistake, I always feel, to put one’s trust in technique.”

Aphorism 120: “Dependence should not become an attitude!” chapter 2

Full Quote: “But somehow marriage had made her childish; dependence had become an attitude.”

Aphorism 119: “Find comfort in shared pain!” Chapter 7

Full Quote: “..it is the place where the searchers meet, finding no one but each other and the comfort of a shared pain..”

Aphorism 118: “Anticipate having to endure leisure!” Chapter 8
Full Quote: “He had not anticipated having to endure leisure”

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Rapping, Blogging, Preaching, Snowing

Aphorism 117: “Keep Grinding!” Ben B of UGK Rap Group

Full Quote: “’I appreciate the concern,’ he told Vibe. ‘But I wouldn’t ask anyone to stop their life because Pimp would’ve wanted us all to keep grinding.’” New York Times, Dec. 2007

Aphorism 116: “Establish an area of refuge!” Gretchen Rubin, Happiness Project Blog, a tribute to Winston Churchill

Aphorism 115: “Hold Truths Lightly!”, The Most rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, presiding bishop of the Episcopal church as reported by Rebbecca Trounsen, Los Angeles Times as published in the Times Picayune, Nov. 24, 2007

Full Quote: “Perhaps, Jefferts Schori said, if all sides in the current debate over sexuality and Scripture could ‘hold their truths more lightly,’ they might yet find a way forward together.”

Aphorism 114: “Bestow little faith in intuitions or impressions!” by C.P. Snow about G.H. Hardy in Variety of Men

Full Quote: “Hardy had no faith in intuitions or impressions, how own or anyone else’s.”

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Moral Aphorisms of Anthony Trollope from The Bertrams

Aphorism 113: “Alloy often clogs the gifts of fortune!”
Full Quote: “He determined, therefore, to accept the goods the gods had provided him, clogged though they were with alloy, like so many other gifts of fortune..”
Chapter Three, The Bertrams by Anthony Trollope

Aphorism 112: “Human nature is apt to be generous in the hot moments of impulse!”

Full Quote: “We are so apt to be generous in the hot moments of impulse, but so equally apt to be only coldly just in the long years of our ordinary existence.” Chapter Four, The Bertrams by A. Trollope

Aphorism 111: “The boldness of innocence!”

Full Quote: “What things? Said Adela, with all the boldness of innocence.” Chapter Four, The Bertrams, by A. Trollope

Aphorism 110: “We need not put up with the world as we find it!”

Full Quote: “You must put up with the world as you find it, Mr. Wilkinson.” Chapter Four, The Bertrams, by A. Trollop