Wednesday, August 14, 2013

When We Were Bad by Charlotte Mendelson

 Photo by owner's iPhone.

Aphorism 140:   "Panic feeds in the dark."

Aphorism  141: "Think more spectacularly!"
Aphorism  142:  "The problem is that vacuums fill!"
Aphorism 143:  "In the absence of facts, we grow more curious."



Sunday, August 11, 2013

A Lesson from David Crosby's Days As A Cub Report

Aphorism 139:  "Don't bury the Lead!" 

What David Crosby, PhD and pastor First Baptist New Orleans learned from his editor in his earlier days as a cub reporter with The Times Picayune.  The lead of the story was on paragraph 16.  David, "You buried the lead, it goes first," said the editor.    Story reported Aug. 11, 2013.